Most of these photos are high-resolution, and are more than 100K bytes. Therefore, only LINKS are provided.
Each should open in your browser, or you can right-click, and then SAVE TARGET AS to save them on your local HD, if desired.
This first photo is a view of the station, with towers 2 & 1 visible at the edges.
The towers are numbered, Left-to-Right, 3-2-1
The LINKS to the other photos are below this one.
Each of these will link to a photo. Use browser's BACK button to return here.
Tower 1 & catwalk, looking NorthEast
T1's Perimeter wire, SouthEast corner
T1's perimeter wire, East side
T1's perimeter wire, Closeup of a post
Tower 1 Base
Tower two, looking West
Tower 2 Perimeter & ground wires, South side
Tower 2 Perim w/Tower 1 in bkg (Looking North/NorthEast
Tower two's base
Walk to Towers 2 & 3 (distant) Looking South
Tower 3 Perimeter wire & fence, SouthEast corner
Tower 3 Perimeter wire & swamp to South & West
Tower 3 Perimeter wire, NorthEast corner
Tower 3 Base
View from Tower 3, looking North
Bird's eye sketch, NOT TO SCALE: